What is WPC Doors?
Are you looking for doors in Pakistan that is modern as well as durable for life? Here we present WPC doors in Pakistan that are extraordinary reliable and economical. WPC doors full form is wood Polymer composite. These doors are basically made of composite material that is blend of uPVC + wood and polymer.
First time it’s being manufactured in Pakistan and introduced since it’s been imported from Turkey or china.
Plant made item that is highly sophisticated and finished with all aspect. With wooden texture embossed over the surface.
WPC Door Frame | Termite Proof & Water Proof
Globally this material is being used for different purposes like WPC Frame interiors, wpc beading and and wpc wall paneling. WPC door frame great and affordable solution for termite resilience. Although Pakistan is agriculture country and tackle the over populated cities like Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan Residential projects are processed over retired agriculture land. Bugs and termite is one of the most original issue for these residential complexes. While selecting door frame there are four option available SS – Steel door frames | Wooden | Poly urethane or WPC.
Wooden frame option is mostly considered as primum these days, other three options are quite handy. When you apply polish over the raw surface of the the door embossed grains popped up and enhance the beauty. Plenty of wpc door designs are available for choosing the best entrance as per taste.
Great substitute to natural wood, stylish as well as modern. Eco friendly good sound insulator and water proof door. As per traditional wooden or ply door, installation and maintenance of wood plastic composite door is quite easy.
Being a Termite proof, durable and fire retardant door end-users are more satisfied from wpc door then any other traditional option available in the market.
WPC – Wood Plastic Composite Material:
Attributes | Measurement |
Door thickness | 38mm |
Upper Sheet layer’s thickness | 4.5-5mm |
Lower Sheet Layer’s thickness | 4.5-5mm |
Door’s inner ribs | 2-2.mm |
W.P.C thickness | 0.60 g/cm3 |
WPC Door has following attributes which depreciate this door product stand out from rest of doors available in market.
- 100% Water proof
- 100% Termite proof
- 100% Weather resilient
- Wooden finishing
- Smooth Door edges
- Tough as wooden Door
- Long life
- Beautiful wooden texture
Pak Doors as manufacturer deals in all types of doors including Fiber Doors | PVC Doors | Wooden Doors | Ply Doors | Panel skin Doors | Flash Doors and engineered doors.
Latest WPC Door Designs:
When someone start constructions of home design and patterns selections effects rates and prices. Interior of home without designer doors are incomplete. WPC doors have a surface where any type of design pattern can be embossed. Thanks to CNC works who allow to design client’s selective designs of wpc doors. Here at Pak Doors we have complied over 30+ latest wpc doors designs you may chose.

WPC Doors Design
Since we are in field of door manufacturing we have examined huge client behavior while selecting doors. People are always conscious about the finishing of door and most importantly the biggest requirement is door shell be cheap in Price and shell have wooden finish and toughness.
We found WPC doors meet the all requirements of client. This doors is equally reliable if interior and exterior use. If you install this door as you main double leaf entrance it would enhance the beauty of your home main entrance.
It is equally strong and tough that no one shell be worry about the strength of door. Sandwich Panel structure of door gives him enough strength to last long and remain un-damaged for rest of your life.
Affordable bedroom doors and frames:
As compare to natural wood which is quite handy to chose, WPC doors and frames are affordable. Timber dealer offers different local and imported wood types with different measurement standards with different categories. Nodes and seasoning of wood not only effects the rates and prices of any type of wood but also effects quality. Once anyone finally select the wood type then carpenter demands different rates to craft wooden doors from raw wood. On the other hand WPC is ready to use pre-fabricated material. Frames, beading and borders also pre-fabricated which is not only save time and resources but also save budget. All customers need just find a good and skillful door fitter who handle the fitting operation.
Let us discuss the attributes of WPC doors in Brief:
Affordable bedroom doors and frames:
As compare to natural wood which is quite handy to chose, WPC doors and frames are affordable. Timber dealer offers different local and imported wood types with different measurement standards with different categories. Nodes and seasoning of wood not only effects the rates and prices of any type of wood but also effects quality. Once anyone finally select the wood type then carpenter demands different rates to craft wooden doors from raw wood. On the other hand WPC is ready to use pre-fabricated material. Frames, beading and borders also pre-fabricated which is not only save time and resources but also save budget. All customers need just find a good and skillful door fitter who handle the fitting operation.
100% Water Proof:
Normally clients are always considering an entrance that can’t be affected by water. Ladies of our residence are always conscious about the cleanliness and they wash and clean home 4 or 5 time in a week. If you install a door that can be affected by water then it would be damaged from bottom and becomes ugly after a while. Wood Polymer Composite – WPC doors can be install at any place even you can place in you swimming pool, if you have double décor pool, sounds funny Na! So jokes a part you would never regret after installing this door at your entrance.
100% Termite proof:
Well termite proofing always a extra burden on costumer’s pocket. People who have installed wooden doors most of the time worry about termite and that is because low quality wood used in door manufacturing. Most of the time environment is the biggest cause of termite in home. With WPC door this trouble would be no more, as we discussed it is being made with polymer and composite material pests and termite can’t affect this door. Whola! you entrance are secure from termite that is why we call this door as solution for your home.
100% Weather resilient:
It doesn’t matter that you are installing WPC door in a hot weather circumstances or fully chilled northern areas, it didn’t shrieked or cracked. Being a solution it is highly weather resilient and didn’t change his shape due to hard weather. So, there is no point left that you didn’t consider this door for your entrance. Hay are you worry about price don’t be it is 2 time cheaper then wooden door.
Wooden finishing:
Since we are in this field, interior designers and contractors who are constructing commercial and residential buildings always find wood finished doors with minimum budget and that shall be long lasting as well.
The surface of WPC door has complete wooden grains and patterns. Right after polish no one can guess that it is not a wooden door. It match your home interior you may contrast polish works as your home interior. So, why are you still waiting call us and get served with best door solution in Pakistan by Pak Doors.
Smooth Door edges:
Normally door buyers not only check the surface of door but the edges as well. Smooth and sound door edges always a key attributes that door buyers consider. With WPC door you will find smooth cutting edges and not a single dot on it.
Tough as wooden Door:
Now let us talk the strength of door and you will amazed to know that once while we are testing the strength of this door our two of team members are using this door as child seesaw equilibrium. In Short wood polymer composite door is as tough as would with more or less weight of wooden door.
Long life Exterior/Interior Door:
As we have discuss the different aspects of WPC door there is no dough that with all attributes described above it would be long lasting. Most of the time other then wpc doors are being affected by weather conditions but, with wpc doors even and extreme cold, hot or dry weather can’t affect the natural beauty of door.
Beautiful wooden texture:
Nature has gifted us wood and different types of woods appear with different wood grains. Men have skills and strengths to articulate different wood grain textured with different ways. This WPC door gives complete look and feel of natural wood grains and major benefit is we don’t need to hurt nature by cutting tree. You would get beautiful wooden texture on your door in fewer prices as replica of wooden door, equal wooden door as per strength cancers.
We have discussed this composite door type in brief, shortly called as WPC doors and full form is Wood polymer composite. It is factory made door with attributes that is even wooden door didn’t offering. Price is three time less than normal wooden door. Finishing, life and appearance would not regret you. In short WPC door is not only an ordinary entrance gateway for your home but it would be proof a complete bled of solution for you entrances.
We need doors complete
We have versatile range of PVC/fiber/wooden/WPC doors/ flush doors, for further details please leave a message over the whatsapp: 0322-4409012
Please tell me the price of wpc door size (4 *7)
Thanks allot for considering Pak Doors, for pricing and Package details please leave a message or Whatsapp: 0322-4409012